IMPROVING ACCESS TO CLEAN DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION 88% of households have access to working latrine compared to just 40% on average in rural Cambodia* 83% reduction in waterborne disease in the last 5 years More than 7,000 Latrines built since 2010 Over 25,000...
IMPROVING HEALTH OUTCOMES AND ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES 50% reduction in child malnutrition since 2011 57% less cases of severe acute malnutrion in children under 5* 25% less cases of moderate acute malnutrition in children under 5* 56,000 children have received...
IMPROVING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILDREN THROUGH ACCESS TO EDUCATION Over 91% of students completing Kindergarten enroll in Primary School 50% improvement in results following Summer School project 6 kindergarten classes handed over to local authorities 10,000+ children...
FACILITATING COMMUNITY-LED MICRO-FINANCE AND DEVELOPING MICRO-BUSINESS Over $100,000 in savings held by community Savings Groups Over 250% increase in household incomes since 2012 1 Agricultural Cooperative established networking 100 small holder farmers 850+ savings...
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