Social Media is the bread and butter of online presence.
In today’s internet, social media has become a pillar of online presence, as it is undeniably one of the best ways to share your content with the ever growing audience of the world wide web. By integrating social bookmarking and sharing buttons, you will let your readers quickly share your blog posts on their favorite social networking sites. This will help you to drive more traffic from social media sites and it helps to improve your search engine ranking (SEO).
You may already know the advantages of social media sharing for SEO, and how important it is for every blogger or web person to add social media sharing buttons to their site from day one. There are many WordPress social media plugins which will let you do that, and in this article is a compiled list of some of the best plugins you can use to build your online presence through social media.
Keep in mind that with web design, as discussed in the blog on choosing a color scheme, less is more. Simplicity is a key tool in communication, and this goes for social media integration as well. We’ll start with the basics.
WordPress Floating Social Sharing Buttons – simple and efficient
Here is WordPress’s solution for adding floating social media sharing buttons with counters. Using this plugin, you can add social media sharing buttons to both your desktop and mobile site. This plugin supports all popular social media buttons with counters, and you can enable or disable any of the plugin’s placements.
Jetpack. WP’s favorite multi-functional plugin. Powerful and versatile
Jetpack is one of the most popular WordPress plugins, and it has the capacity to add many features to your blog. One of the features of this plugin allows you to add social-media sharing buttons to your blog. If you are using the Jetpack plugin, you can activate the sharing module and add these buttons. You can learn more about the Jetpack plugin here. You can also check out this official page on activating Jetpack sharing buttons.
Social Media Icons Widget. Another way useful way to display
The Social Media Icons widget takes a simple, extendable approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPress. The purpose of this plugin was to strip away the complexities I found most other plugins to have and simply display a set of basic social icons in an unordered list. There’s no frills and no fanciness, making it easy to style to your website’s look.
Last but not least, Opte’s favorite social media solution, the sexy, end-all be-all or wordpress social media plugins, Monarch by Elegant Themes.
If you are looking for a paid social media sharing plugin for your Opte site, look no further than Monarch. Not only does this plugin let you add social media sharing buttons in various places on your blog, the buttons are created with a goal of encouraging sharing. This plugin looks beautiful on any theme, and can be customized to fit any color scheme or design. We think it looks especially great with Divi. Find out more about Monarch, in this video:
Monarch lets you add sharing buttons in various places and allows for animations. Flyouts are usually popular for adding email subscription options, but if you are someone who understands the importance of social media sharing, you should look no further than Monarch. To access the Monarch Plugin, you will need to be a paid-user on Opte, or be within your 14 day risk-free trial. Go ahead and try it, if you haven’t yet. You’ll see what we’re talking about.

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