When you register at opte.io, you fully agree to comply with our Terms of Service. The registration page includes the following statement:
You agree to the Terms of Service by submitting this form.
If a blog has been found to be in breach of our Terms of Service, it will be suspended.
In some cases, we may 1) add a warning note in your dashboard that will provide a link that you can use to contact us regarding the issue, and 2) disable one of the following:
- Posting on the blog.
- Features for a user account.
We do make mistakes from time to time. If you feel that your blog follows our User Guidelines and has been suspended in error, please contact us via the link on your Dashboard or by using the form below. We will review the suspension and either remove it, or provide an appropriate explanation that your blog was found to have violated our Terms of Service.
If a blog has been suspended for violating our terms, its domain/URL (i.e.: “example.opte.io”) and content will not be returned.
We take our Terms of Service very seriously and act on each and every feedback we receive in order to investigate potential breaches. Since we want opte.io to be a pleasant and safe environment for all of our valued users, our terms are enforced on a daily basis.
Contact form for suspended blogs.
Note: Please use this form to contact us about your own site only. For privacy reasons, we are not able to respond to or consider messages regarding blogs sent by third parties.
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