Running multiple sites on the same software can also be dangerous. If we aren’t careful, one site can be used to take down the entirety of This is why we limit some of the things you post on your site. If you write some code or copy-and-paste from another site, and then it disappears after publishing the post, the code is likely being stripped out as a security precaution. If you feel it’s being stripped out improperly, or if you would like to suggest additional types of code we should allow, please contact support.
Embed codes provided by trusted companies such as Google, Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram etc., can be used via Jetpack Shortcode Embeds.
For other 3rd party code that you would like to embed on your site, please contact support for assistance.
HTML Tags allows the following HTML code in your posts, pages, and widgets:
address, a, abbr, acronym, area, article, aside, b, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, class, code, col, del, details, dd, div, dl, dt, em, figure, figcaption, footer, font, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, map, mark, ol, p, pre, q, rp, rt, rtc, ruby, s, section, small, span, strike, strong, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr, tt, u, ul, var
Check out W3 Schools for more information about what each of these HTML codes are used for.
If you are familiar with HTML, you’ll notice that codes such as embed, frame, iframe, form, input, object, textarea and others are missing from the above list. Those codes are not allowed for security reasons.
Users are also not allowed to post JavaScript. JavaScript can be used for malicious purposes. As an example, JavaScript has taken sites such as and LiveJournal offline in the past. The security of all sites is a top priority for us, and until we can guarantee scripting languages will not be harmful, they will not be permitted.
JavaScript from trusted partners, such as YouTube and Google Video, is converted into a WordPress shortcode when a post is saved.
Flash and Other Embeds
Flash and other types of embed that use; frame, iframe, form, input, object, textarea are not allowed in posts, pages, or text widgets.
For security reasons, we remove the tags needed for these to work. Your intentions may be innocent, but someone somewhere might try to use such embeds to damage the site, affecting all of our users.
There are several safe ways to post Videos, Audio, and other items to your site. In addition, the Embedding content page lists the various types of embeds that are allowed.
Posting Source Code
See our Posting Source Code article for details on how to easily post source code on your blog.
Other 3rd Party Code
The code limitations mentioned above apply to all sites, however you are free to request any code that you want anywhere on your site — JavaScript, Flash, etc. Please submit a support request.
At the same time, please be extra-careful when requesting custom code. Our support team will inspect the code and install it for you on your site. As such, we recommend that you only request code that comes from a reputable source. If you are ever in doubt, err on the side of caution.