Purchases made on OPTe.io can be canceled as follows: First time subscription: full refund within 14 days of purchasing. Automatic renewals: full refund within 7 days of charge. How do I request a refund? Simply contact support, select account & billing and...
OPTe.io is a publishing, rather than a file sharing platform, so copyrighted materials are often used in commentary, journalism, or the transformation of the material into something original of their own. As such, it’s important to consider if the manner in which the...
We do permit mature content on OPTe.Network, including text, images and videos that contain nudity, offensive language, and mature subject material. However, sites that contain such content must be marked as Mature in our system. If you are publishing a blog that you...
We consider publication of certain information to be a privacy violation. Information that we consider to be private include: Social Security or national ID numbers (e.g. passport) credit card numbers IP addresses unlisted/non-public physical addresses, email...
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Reported Site’][contact-field label=’Please enter the full address of the website/content you are reporting’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field...
If you find a site that violates our Terms of Service, we want you to let us know about it. Please understand that we don’t always respond to these reports, but every single one is read (by a real human being), and the reported site is reviewed accordingly. More...